We offer a full-season property maintenance package as well as individual packages to suite your specific needs.
Our services provided include:
Removal of leaves and debris from lawn areas, flowerbeds, drives and parking lots
Cutting, line trimming and blowing off all entryways, walks and drives to remove grass clippings
Fertilization, crabgrass control, broadleaf control, and winter fertilization
Performed in the spring and/or fall
Delivered and installed/spread
All beds and removal of debris from site on a monthly basis, pre-emergent bed control applications
Supplies and installation
Roadways, drives, parking lots and loading docks
Sidewalks, porches and entryways
As with our lawn fertilizing and property maintenance services, our snowplowing and salting service is reliable, professional and of the highest quality. We provide complete snow and ice management services, including salting, snowplowing, sidewalk clearing and deicing. We can provide a full, complete winter management package or individual services to meet your specific needs:
Our 24-hour number is provided to all customers. We have our own salt storage bin and all the equipment needed to get any size job done!
Subdivision Associations
Condominiums and Residential
Service Schedule weather permitting is as follows:
Fertilization with Crabgrass Control, Late March - May
Fertilization with Broadleaf Control, May - July
Fertilizer with Spot Weed Control, July - August
Mid-Summer Fertilizer, July - August
Fertilizer with Broadleaf Control, August - November
Turf Winterization, October - November