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Tips for Crabgrass Control and Prevention

Did you know that 2020 was one of the worst years for crabgrass Michiganders have seen in a long time?

Were you frustrated with the endless weed pulling you did on your lawn?

Did you miss the optimal time for weed and crabgrass treatment?

Most annual weeds start to grow in the spring. Crabgrass is no exception – this weed thrives on the soil in your lawn warming up and providing a great environment for germination.

Crabgrass preventers inhibit germination and root development of crabgrass and stop many weed grasses when applied in early spring. Crabgrass plants die after they set their seeds, but the seeds still live on!

Weed and feed fertilizers tackle common lawn weeds while feeding your grass to help it better act against weed invasion. Applied when weeds are actively growing in the late spring and early summer, and again in the fall, weed and feed products help keep your grass beautiful and green.

What else can you do to make sure you stop weeds in their tracks?

  1. When is the best time to apply crabgrass preventer? Early spring is best! The best months to apply preventer are late March and early April. Think about preventer when your dogwoods and forsythia start to bloom!
  2. How long does preemergent last? Not all preemergent is the same, but typically the first application will last 2-6 months. It’s recommended that you apply a prevention herbicide twice per year.
  3. I don’t have time to apply herbicide. What can I do? Hire the crabgrass control specialists in Livingston County! This year’s crabgrass comes from last year’s crabgrass seeds. For best results, you need to treat the seedlings before they appear. That’s where we come in!

It is possible, but tricky, to fertilize your lawn yourself. You will have to figure out your grass type and soil pH in order to choose the best type of fertilizer. Fertilizer should be spread using a specialized spreader, and it must be spread evenly to avoid chemical burns. To ensure proper fertilization technique and the integrity of the final results, hiring a professional lawn care service is your best bet.

For help with crabgrass control, broadleaf control, and fertilization in Howell and the Livingston County area, call us at 517-540-1100 or request a quote.

Michigan Green Industry Association Snow & Ice Management Association Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association Accredited Snow Contractors Association

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